Missionary Bridger Patrick Lutalo recently wrapped up the first project of his ministry Teach Men to Fish. The ministry equips young people of Uganda with marketable skills along with discipleship in the Gospel. Patrick led youth apprentices in constructing a maternity facility for the community. You can read Patrick’s March 2022 report, which shares how many women and children have already been blessed by the maternity facility, here.
The official dedication ceremony took place on December 20, 2021. Patrick reported to his senders:
Today was the official dedication before God of our maternity facility project at Naama Health Center 111 in Mityana. We started off with spiritual mentoring from the Rev. Emmanuel Luka of St. Andrew’s Cathedral at Namukozi. He is the youth coordinator in the diocese. He is so young at heart and shared his childhood experiences, which resonated with the apprentices. He urged us all in the importance of doing what we can for one another for the glory of God. Rev. Emmanuel Lukabwe attended Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, and he is familiar with SAMS. This created a special spiritual bond for us. We are making plans for the continued spiritual mentoring of our apprentices.
We have moved to snowy Pittsburgh! We miss the warmth and big sky and food of the Rio Grande Valley, but our time here so far has been filled with many good things. Our main focus in these first months of transition is seeking financial partners and looking for a house to rent, but in this update I wanted to introduce you to one of our new neighbors who makes me excited about our mission, which is to partner with the local church in Pittsburgh to extend Christ’s love and truth to recent immigrants.
“Amina” is a young woman from Afghanistan who arrived in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago. She was halfway through her university studies in psychology and sign-language when she had to flee the resurgence of the Taliban. Her new landlord knew about the English classes at Church of the Ascension, the church with whom we are partnering in Pittsburgh, and she arranged for Amina to begin weekly tutoring.
Before our first meeting, I nervously wondered what she would be like, picturing a fierce yet tragic, robed figure, maybe like the iconic “Afghan Girl” cover photo from National Geographic. In reality, Amina was wearing a soccer hoodie with a puffy winter coat and snow hat. She had a big smile, a nervous laugh, and came across as a friendly, slightly shy, slightly sleepy college student.
Not surprisingly, I have heard that one of the hardest things for Afghan refugees is being separated from family. Amina is no different, leaving behind her whole family – her mom, four older siblings, five nieces, and five nephews.
After one of our first meetings, a woman from the church met Amina and walked with her around the church building. In the sanctuary, Amina saw the mural behind the altar depicting the Ascension and asked, “Is that Jesus?”
I feel incredibly privileged to spend time with Amina each week, to help her improve her English, and to be one of the first Christians she gets to meet in her new neighborhood.
I pray that as she adjusts to this new place, that she will come to recognize the risen Christ in the kindness of people around her. Your partnership is touching the lives of those like Amina who are far from home. Thank you for being a part of this ministry!
Almighty God, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you revealed the way of eternal life to every race and nation: Pour out this gift anew, that by the preaching of the Gospel your salvation may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
A Prayer for World Mission Sunday from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer, p. 604.
The newest edition of The Messenger & Prayer Calendar is here, and it has been expanded by four pages to bring you more stories of God’s work around the world through SAMS missionaries!
In this issue:
A little girl experiences healing through Christ-centered care
New avenues open for Gospel impact through educational technology in East Africa
The Good News crosses cultures through the power of narrative
Prayer Calendar for Spring/Summer 2022
An invitation from Mission Director Stewart Wicker
Missionary testimony: Discerning a Call to Missions
Click this button to read it and join us in prayer!
God, by His grace, enabled missionaries and senders of SAMS to equip the global Anglican church for Gospel-driven ministry in 2021. Read how in our Annual Report. You may click the button below to read it.
We invite you to join in the ongoing work of SAMS, partnering with Anglican churches to raise up, send, and support missionaries in response to Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Mabt has been a friend of ours for years. He belongs to a tribal group in remote northeast Cambodia, and he met the Lord when he moved to a city to continue his education. For years, he was the only believer in his family. During one of his visits to his home village, Mabt prayed in his home, welcoming the Holy Spirit and breaking the curses of the mountain gods. As he began playing the guitar and worshipping Jesus, the shelf holding the family idol crashed to the floor, and the idol shattered. Mabt’s father, Yang, rushed in, saying: “My son, what have you done? Now I will not believe in anything. Not in the mountain gods, and not in your God.”
Yang held to that statement for years, during which his vision, already compromised by the loss of one eye, deteriorated. Mabt approached us to ask for advice, and we referred Yang to Mercy Medical Center, where Heidi serves as a pediatrician. He made the daylong trip by bus from the province and underwent successful cataract surgery.
After Yang returned home with restored vision, he was able to read the beautiful words of the Gospel in his own language for the first time, the Bunong translation of the New Testament having been completed only a few years prior. Yang has become a follower of Christ, and freely shares his story with other villagers.
“I received my sight back, and then I could read God’s words for myself, and now I believe Jesus.” -Yang
We praise the Lord for the many members of the Body of Christ who each faithfully fulfilled the role God had given them to touch Mabt and Yang’s lives – from dorm parents to Bible translators to medical personnel. And we trust there are many more beautiful stories yet to be lived and told!
Pictured: Gregory, Mabt, and Yang rejoice together in God’s saving grace.
Please pray for:
Mabt and Yang’s village, that many more will become disciples of Jesus Christ who disciple others.
Discipleship and the equipping of leaders in the rapidly growing Cambodian church, which has increased by as much as 30-fold in the two generations since the tragedy of The Killing Fields.
Heidi as she trains young doctors at Mercy Medical Center with a Christian discipleship perspective.
Gregory as he leads the international Anglican congregation, mentors the Cambodian pastor of their sister Cambodian Anglican congregation, and reaches out with the Gospel in the community.
Missionary Candidates Eric and Liz Larson are preparing to serve in Cambodia alongside Gregory and Heidi. They desire to spread Gospel impact through theological education and ministries of compassion.
We invite you to join in the ongoing work of SAMS, partnering with Anglican churches to raise up, send, and support missionaries in response to Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
One generation shall praise your works to another and declare your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 NIV
A legacy is something passed from one generation to the next–a heritage or birthright.
What will be your legacy and my legacy or a missionary’s legacy? How does serving in God’s global mission pass from one generation to the next?
SAMS missionary Rachel Hill grew up in a family dedicated to serving those in need. Her father (William Godfrey) was a Church of England priest. Later, he served as the missionary Bishop of Uruguay, and then Peru. He continues in his retirement to pray and encourage those serving in mission.
[The Rev. Dr. Allen Hill with Bishop Godfrey]
The Godfrey home was open to visitors from all around the globe. When Bishop Godfrey and his wife, Judith, were called to missionary service in Latin America, Rachel’s grandparents encouraged the family in their pursuit of serving overseas even though it meant they rarely saw their children or grandchildren. They saw their own legacy of serving Christ bear fruit in another continent.
As a young teen in Uruguay, Rachel witnessed both the challenges and joys of a growing church reaching out to both society’s elites and society’s neediest. She saw her parent’s faithfulness and their sacrifice as they served as missionaries. The faith of one generation was built upon the faith of the one before. Three generations built this legacy for Rachel, including her great-grandfather reading his Bible in the trenches during World War I, her grandmother ministering to the deaf, and her parents serving in Latin America.
Allen, Rachel’s husband, echoed her sentiments. Serving as a missionary under Bishop Godfrey, Allen felt privileged to see the vision, faith, trust, and heart for God’s mission that the Godfrey’s embraced.
Similarly, both Jon and Tess Hicks, SAMS missionaries to the Solomon Islands, were reared in missionary families. As missionary kids, they were involved with their family in the ministry of their parents. Jon’s family served in the Solomon Islands, going out as a family into the villages to preach. Tess saw that God called her whole family into mission. Jon and Tess’s children, as they have grown up in the Solomon Islands, have a strong desire to pray and serve. This is a legacy from both their parents and grandparents.
Sometimes legacy isn’t so obvious. Recently, Johann Vanderbijl, SAMS missionary serving in the Province of Southern Africa, began researching the life of his great-grandfather (pictured at the top), Arthur. Arthur and his wife left England in the second half of the 19th century to serve as missionaries in Mauritius and South Africa. They faced challenging conditions including war. They built churches and started a college. Yet, it would seem the legacy of their family was lost in subsequent generations as some were agnostic and no one entered into Christian ministry. Except, their legacy was revived as Johann was ordained and he and his wife later became missionaries – first to Ethiopia and then to southern Africa. The legacy resurfaced like the bubbling of a refreshing spring.
These are just three stories from among SAMS missionaries of how the faith of past generations influenced lives. Sometimes a legacy is passed down to a grateful and waiting generation, and other times it lies dormant waiting to be restored.
To all of you who are SAMS family, missionaries, prayer warriors, donors and encouragers – you have a legacy. None of these stories happened without behind-the-scenes players: those who prayed, gave and encouraged. Your legacy is in the hearts turned to Christ in continents far from your home. Your legacy may be with a people you will never know. But it exists.
Their descendants will be known among the peoples. All who SEE them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed. Psalm 145:4 NKJV