by Heidi Smith Sometimes God brings people together in amazing ways for His purposes. I had the privilege of...

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.
by Heidi Smith Sometimes God brings people together in amazing ways for His purposes. I had the privilege of...
Roberto and Cameron Vivanco have been serving together in Ecuador as SAMS Missionaries for over 16 years. (Cameron,...
Picture: Rufina, in Temuco, Chile, shares her testimony online in 2020 about how God brought her to the hospital as a...
I am writing after a hiatus of about two years. I want to reflect and look forward – a tad. Three years ago I underwent my second back surgery. The first was about fifteen years before that. Recovery was long … Continue reading → …
SAMS Missionaries Dr. Rusty and The Rev. Tammy Firestone have served in Cochabamba, Bolivia, for nearly two decades....
As Cameron and Roberto Vivanco serve in ministry in Ecuador, they have found that people return kindness for kindness....
When in Peru last November I never dreamed that the world would change so much as it has since Covid 19 impacted us. In November I handed on much of my ministry to Fr. Jeremy Shelton, assistant priest at St. … Continue reading → …
Today, many of your SAMS-USA missionaries are adapting their ministries to share God's presence in the midst of the...
SAMS is sharing missionary updates about ways ministry is adapting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many missionaries...
Above: The building of St. Andrew's Anglican Church in Belize, the community served by SAMS Missionaries Rev. David...
Whatever life holds for you in this pandemic season of uncertainty, fear, and pain, know that hope is never...
Queridos Hermanos (Dear Brothers and Sisters) — Bolivia is in day seventeen of total quarantine, after a week or so...