SAMS Stories

Humbled by rain

I have a confession to make: when I’m in Uganda, and I see a post from the US about power being out and people are weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth, I think, “Wow. Y’all can’t deal.” Because power going out in Uganda is a given, and while we have…

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Living into God’s dream for me

Living into God’s dream for me

Living into God’s dream for me God gave me a desire to be who God created me to be. Though I fall short, far too consistently My God is there to redirect me, yet again So that I may live into God’s dream for me. God gave me an interest in other cultures and languages....

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Follow-up on the gem of a student

In February, I wrote about an unexpected ministry when I went to supervise a student who was serving as a chaplain at a large school. A teenage girl had asked how it was possible to forgive someone who had hurt her terribly. We talked for a while, and I prayed with…

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Easter by the Numbers

Easter by the Numbers

Holy Week by the numbers: 7 Days. 7 Services. 37 Songs.  WOW. Holy Week ended up being very full for me. Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, I played music at 7 services. I had to know 37 songs. I was already familiar with half of them; the others were brand new.I...

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A Place of Deep Honesty

One of the places we’ve talked a lot about this year is our Tuesday afternoon lunch with the homeless, Daily Bread. Most Tuesdays, after eating a delicious meal with our houseless and unemployed friends, Tessa, Kieran, Erika, Henry, and Annie and I walk across the street to West Park to debrief…

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