Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, and there are the people!
Have you heard that children’s rhyme and finger game before?
Or how about-
Here is the ground, here is the tent, the family of God says, come and join in!
The latter would be a more accurate description of a little community of God that meets in a shantytown, under a tent on a small property lovingly tended by Maty. Maty is a Peruvian woman whom God reached through the ministry of our SAMS missionaries Juan and María Marentes. As María shared the Gospel with members of a shantytown south of Lima, Peru, Maty began shadowing her and helping her tell people the Good News, even before she had clearly confessed Christ. In the Marentes’ words:
“In 2005 we met Maty when she came to be a volunteer at the weekly breakfast for the children in the “pueblo joven” (shantytown) of San Francisco, south of Lima. She was a woman without any schooling, she had suffered a lot in her life. She looked about 10 years older than her real age. She had prodigious hands to knit by hand.
Once the weekly women’s ministry was started by María Isabel, Maty never missed a gathering. She was always attentive and willing to help. Little by little she began to join the evangelistic visits to the surrounding homes. She gave her very simple testimony, but always coming from her soul: ‘Although I don’t know how to read or write, I tell you that the most wonderful thing in my life has been accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. That has made me a new and a happy person.’”
María, with funds from supporters, found an opportunity to give a small piece of property to the Diocese of Peru for the purpose of hosting a Christian community. Years after the Marentes left Peru to do ministry elsewhere, the Bishop of Peru reported that Maty faithfully defended from “invaders” that piece of land, and now she and a youth group tend the property and draw people into this small church in the San Francisco shantytown, Peru.

We at SAMS are deeply grateful for Juan and María’s faithful service to God’s call in 33 years on the mission field. Originally from Colombia, they retire in Jacksonvile, FL this year after decades of service in Ecuador, Honduras, Peru, Belize, and California. Yet, we know that God’s servants don’t truly retire as much as they take on a different shape of ministry, encouraging us as we all press on toward the goal of knowing Christ and making him known.
“From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 6:14 NIV
Greetings and congratulations on this good news from Peru which resulted from sharing your lives and the Good News there. Please send me your current address and phone as I hope to be in the Jax area in a couple of months. Yours in Him. Charles E.
Queridos, Juan y Maria,
Bien hecho!!! Ustedes son un ejemplo extraordinaria por muchos. El amor del Senor vive en ustedes y les da una energia fabuloso. Que El les bendiga en forma muy especial durante los anos que vienen. Sabemos que ustedes van a obrar por nuestro querido Senor Jesus no importa donde estan.
Abrazos de oso junto con nuestro carino…
Peti y Tim
What fabulous news for these dedicated workers, it’s a miracle! Thank you for sharing this bit of news and best wishes in your retirement!!!
Dear Juan and María,
So happy to hear about fruit that is remaining even years later!
It was great seeing you at New Wineskins.
We’ll look forward to seeing you in JAX in a few months!
I give all glory to God for Juan and Maria – always an inspiration and encouragement.
Thank you to the Lord for allowing us to be part of his people carrying the good news. This would not have been possible without the prayers and support of so many faithful and generous friends that I made this possible during our journey. It has really been a blessing to be part of this beautiful ministry and to meet the wonderful and beautiful Matty that we always carry in our hearts