SAMS Stories

Ten Years a Missionary

Ten Years a Missionary

Writing to you from the frozen north of the United States is such a remarkably different experience compared to where we were posting from this same time last year. I was up early this morning shoveling our walkway of the six-to-eight inches of snow that had accumulated overnight,…

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Social media woes continue

Thank you for your prayers for Uganda through this election cycle; it has largely been peaceful, though there is still a large police and military presence around. I think most people are just wanting to resume life.
The night before the presidential election, the government announced that they would shut off the…

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Lament and Thanksgiving

I feel like most of my updates start with some reference to time: “It’s been so long since my last update,” “Time sure is flying by,” “Can you believe that it’s [—] time all ready?” … or something along those lines. And as I sat down to write this update I…

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