SAMS Stories

Unity in a Divided World

Darash, our Anuak priest for St Barnabas Church Gambella, is a good story-teller. Recently, his sermon focused on a story of three bulls; One red, one black and one white. “They loved each other as brothers, and together were strong. When the enemy looked at them, he...

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Rusty and Tammy Firestone: Advent Prayers

Date: 2016-12-05 00:00:00In Advent we continue to trust in the promises and purposes of God through Christ Jesus our Lord. We invite you to share with us at La Trinidad during this time of joyful preparation and service.  We ask you to remember a specific area of ministry with us each week…

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Photos from November

Photos from November

Bandung is a huge city, but there is beauty if you slow down and look. Here are some things that caught my eye in November. A snail moves across our front porch.  Moss covers hexagonal paving stones at IMLAC. Sora’s homemade bread, shaped for Holy Communion. Bandung under the clouds from a warung on Jalan […]

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