SAMS’ long-term missionaries will go on Home Ministry Assignments (HMA) every few years to reconnect and...

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.
SAMS’ long-term missionaries will go on Home Ministry Assignments (HMA) every few years to reconnect and...
Bishop Skilton (our retired assistant bishop) loves to remind us that God is good, all the time. My last...
God uses all sorts of people to teach us about his love and his sacrifice for us. One Sunday a little boy was...
This past hurricane season was a rough one throughout the Caribbean as I’m sure you’ve heard. Hurricane Maria is the one who inflicted the most damage to the Dominican Republic, but thankfully we didn’t have the significant damage that many of the other islands suffered. Thankfully God moved hearts to make gifts to improve housing this past year and we’ve assisted 9 families so far to improve their living circumstances.
Summer is always an intense time for me. The heat is tremendous and with air conditioning, a very limited commodity, it takes its toll. I remember flexibility being one of the characteristics that Peace Corps was interested in for potential volunteers. It seems to be the same for missionaries. This summer term I started with 2 classes and ended with 4.
When I moved to the Dominican Republic 10 years ago, I didn’t know how long I would be here, and I still don’t know. Throughout these 10 years, the ministry has morphed from primarily treating patients needing physical therapy, to primarily teaching Dominican physical therapy students, which certainly has a greater impact on how Dominicans are treating their patients. God has been very active throughout these years here, preparing me all along through relationships established and experience gained for each phase of the ministry.
Thanks to folks who responded with support for this new housing project, we have begun helping families.
Cathy is from Grand Junction, Colorado, and has been sent by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Grand Junction, Colorado....
Elena and Ana, two of the therapists I’ve worked with in the past, had dreams of opening a
PT clinic, using space at the Clinica Episcopal Esperanza y Caridad. The bit of funding that they had to help get started, however, went to another purpose so that dream folded. But the story…
Spring Update
PT work this year has included a total of 43 credits in the 3 university terms, of which 3 were new-to-me courses, an advising role with the formation of a PT association, and supporting/advising as requested with the launching of the new curriculum. This is one of my students at…
As physical therapists we often teach our patients stretches to become more flexible in areas that are tight. For our continued spiritual growth, God allows us to be in situations that stretch us beyond our comfort zones. Read more in Cathy’s quarterly newsletter!