SAMS-USA Ministry In


Interested in Ministry to Uganda?

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.

Are you sensing a call to Uganda? We'd love to have a conversation with you.

Supervision surprises

This morning I went to supervise Geoffrey, a student who saw that a large school in Mukono lacked a formal chaplain, and asked the school if he could come on Sunday mornings. There are two services: one for the Catholics, and one for the Protestants. I haven’t been to this school…

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An update on the political situation

Though a little long, this article gives a good overview of what led to the unrest this week, as well as an update on where we stand.
While things are diffused at the moment, unfortunately, this is is far from over, particularly since court cases can drag on for months and months…

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Pray for Kampala

In Jeremiah 29:7, Jeremiah instructs the exiles to “… seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” While I’m not an exile, I think it is still a good…

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The truth about Tucker

In early June, a sweet puppy, about seven months old, decided that he needed to come live with me. He had spent the weekend going to various homes, shopping for a human, and when he landed on me, he decided he was home. I told him that I’m not a dog…

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