SAMS Stories

The Skinny on JZ

Many of you may be aware of my Facebook post from last Friday in which I asked for prayers for South Africa. The country is going through a crisis, which came to head nearly two weeks ago when the president, Jacob Zuma, fired his finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, and his deputy…

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How Gospel Goats is Impacting Gulu, Uganda

How Gospel Goats is Impacting Gulu, Uganda

Mary McDonald is a SAMS Associate Missionary and a veterinarian. Recently, SAMS caught up with Mary after her recent mission to Uganda. SAMS: Tell us about Gospel Goats and the need you saw in Uganda. Mary: In Uganda, there are families who have been affected by the...

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Mission Opportunity in Tanzania

The Diocese of Victoria Nyanza is located in Mwanza, Tanzania. Villages in the region are without a church and the opportunity to hear the Gospel. There is a need for congregational development in this diocese where Islam is spreading. Bishop Boniface Kwangu is...

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