SAMS Stories

Update for February

Hi! This is Evan. The longer you live in a new place, the more you become accustomed to the small things which were initially surprising. Fewer interactions and sights seem noteworthy. For the most part, I think I'm still in the phase where I'm regularly taken aback...

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Retreat, retreat

At the end of February, SAMS hosted a regional retreat for the missionaries serving in Africa at a conference center in Cape Town. Not only was the setting gorgeous, it was a wonderful time of rest, relaxation, and fellowship with members of my tribe, and it was deeply restorative.

My soul breathes…

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Sermon fun

I don’t often share my sermons here, but this sermon on “Flexibility in Mission” was received very well, likely because of the stories I told about adjusting to life in Uganda. I hope you enjoy!

Continue reading Sermon fun at Here I Am.

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Supervision surprises

This morning I went to supervise Geoffrey, a student who saw that a large school in Mukono lacked a formal chaplain, and asked the school if he could come on Sunday mornings. There are two services: one for the Catholics, and one for the Protestants. I haven’t been to this school…

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