Help Share the Gospel in Practical Ways!
SAMS World Relief Fund
Missionaries are living out their calling in this COVID-19 pandemic. Yet their communities are in greater need than ever. The SAMS World Relief Fund provides them the resources to model Christ’s ministry in practical ways. All funds are dispersed directly to missionaries or their diocese through our grant process.
For Example
Groceries for 1 Bolivian Family
Groceries for 4 Bolivian Families
Feeds 40 Ecuadoran Families for 1 Week
Stories from the Field
Hondurans build new home for hurricane victims with help of SAMS Missionary
SAMS seeks to empower disciples globally to engage in God’s work. In 2021, missionaries continued...
Anglican Church of Cambodia helps people suffering in lockdown
Newsletter, April 22, 2021 It's the evening of the 8th day of lockdown in Phnom Penh.This dear...
Missionaries in Honduras create job opportunities for struggling parents
You’re a parent of two children in Honduras, struggling to provide for your family in a violent...
How You Can Help
Help us generate awareness for our missionaries’ needs. Share this page and all related content on your social accounts.
Pray for our missionaries in the field. You’re also invited to join missionaries and senders in Noonday prayers weekly at noon EST.