World Mission Sunday Resources

World Mission Sunday Resources

World Mission Sunday is a special time in Epiphany to join with God’s people in praying for the spread of Jesus’ Good News around the world! One of our sister organizations, New Wineskins Missionary Network, has prepared a full webpage of resources (liturgies, videos, discussion guides, and more) to help your church observe World Mission Sunday. Many Anglican churches are celebrating it on February 20, but anytime your church can give special focus to world mission is great! Check it out:

World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is February 4th, but your church can observe it any Sunday. How is God calling you and your church to get involved in this year’s World Mission Sunday?
SAMS is a part of Anglican Global Mission Partners. AGMP unites the needs in the mission field with people in the pews. Many from AGMP have joined together to provide you and your church with several resources for World Mission Sunday. Explore these various resources below:


Ways to Pray

Pray for your SAMS Missionaries with this Prayer Calendar, and signup for the SAMS Newsletter to receive monthly prayers to your email inbox.

Prayer Litany

Use this AGMP Litany to lead your parish in praying for world mission.

Ways to Give

Consider taking up a special offering during World Mission Sunday to support a SAMS Missionary or another SAMS Fund. Click here to support.

Discover even more resources on the New Wineskins World Mission Sunday page.

5 Ways to Celebrate World Mission Sunday

5 Ways to Celebrate World Mission Sunday

Partner with SAMS this World Mission Sunday. Discover the different ways you can celebrate mission and raise awareness in your own community.
World Mission Sunday is a day for churches to come together to reflect on the importance of global mission and how they can get involved as a congregation. It is tradition in the Episcopal and Anglican Church to celebrate around Epiphany, which is February 27th this year. As an Anglican Global Mission Partner, SAMS-USA seeks to raise awareness of the importance of global missions and the support of missionaries. In Acts 1:8 Jesus calls us to participate in world-wide mission, “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.” Here are five ways you and your church or diocese can participate in World Mission Sunday this year:

  1. Hold a dedicated service: Celebrate and raise awareness as a church by using this Litany for World Mission. Here are some resources for you to use.
  2. Educate: Invite a missionary to speak during or after church, and educate your congregation about what is happening overseas. Want to learn more about missions, Five Talentshas listed their favorite mission books here.
  3. Be stewards of mission: Mission does not just have to be overseas. Encourage your congregation to participate in mission right where they live. Organize a mission day by serving a ministry that your church has a heart for.
  4. Take up a special offering: On the day you celebrate World Mission Sunday, consider collecting a special gift for the missionaries or ministries you support.
  5. Pray: Pray for how God is calling your congregation to participate in global mission. Pray for the missionaries in your church. Pray for those who are discerning the call as a missionary.

We encourage you to be a witness of mission this year. Observe World Mission Sunday right where you are by sharing testimony, prayer, stewardship, and education about missions in your church.

If you are interested in receiving printed material to promote missions in congregation, contact the SAMS-USA office today at 724-266-0669.

Prayerfully consider partnering with SAMS this year for World Mission Sunday by giving to the Great Commission Fund through this Virtual Care Package that will raise up, support, and send missionaries in the name of Jesus Christ:

$100 provides a retreat for a missionary

$50 equips 5 missionaries with a day of cross-cultural training

$25 provides a home staff member with a one-day staff retreat