SAMS Mission Director Stewart Wicker was blessed to join the Agape Year 4.0 Fellows on the trail for part of their...

SAMS-USA missionaries are sent to offer their gifts in this area, partnering with Anglican/Episcopal churches to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories from the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender in this ministry area.
SAMS Mission Director Stewart Wicker was blessed to join the Agape Year 4.0 Fellows on the trail for part of their...
Adapt When we bid Fellows Nate and Christian goodbye in March we didn’t now how long it would be until we would be together again. 2 weeks? That seemed unlikely. Maybe 4 weeks. Certainly by mid April we could get the band back together and put a bow on our year….
It wasn’t supposed to end like this! This week we had to make the hard decision to suspend our year with Fellows Nate and Christian. We had so much left to do, so much more to process, and so much more to say to each other. Two weeks ago Christian, Nate…
What you see in this picture just looks like a group of friends having a picnic in a park, yet there is something...
SAMS Missionaries Guy and Summer Benton are program directors for Better World, a gap year program of the New Zealand...
Happy Advent to you! We’re grateful for this season in the church year of anticipation, hope, and repentance. One of the recurring themes in our time with the Fellows is that they are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and as citizens they play a critical role in building up that…
In many ways I have been a walking miracle these past 7 years. The previous 16 years had seen me laid low by Crohn’s disease. I had seen enough doctors, surgeons, and specialists to fill an auditorium. I had tried multiple drugs, had so many surgeries that I lost track of…
One of the places we’ve talked a lot about this year is our Tuesday afternoon lunch with the homeless, Daily Bread. Most Tuesdays, after eating a delicious meal with our houseless and unemployed friends, Tessa, Kieran, Erika, Henry, and Annie and I walk across the street to West Park to debrief…
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church… After spending a couple of weeks in Thailand this January I had the opportunity to stopover in Laos for a few days on my back to Pittsburgh. I was excited to see another ministry that…
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.John 1:14 In our son’s Sunday School class, they speak of the three great mysteries of the church year:…
You know my name! More than a month ago, Erika had introduced herself to the elderly man sitting across the table from her. We were at the weekly lunch for the houseless and unemployed that our family and Fellows attend on Tuesday afternoons. “My name is Gus,” the man replied. Erika…
Why the anchor? We chose the anchor as the Agape Year logo for a number of reasons, but the one that is on my mind right now is that the anchor holds us secure, even in the tumult of a storm. I remember sitting down with our graphic designer to brainstorm…