SAMS-USA Ministry Focusing on

Gap Year

Interested in Gap Year Ministry?

SAMS-USA missionaries are sent to offer their gifts in this area, partnering with Anglican/Episcopal churches to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories from the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender in this ministry area.

The Coming Kingdom #carryonadvent

Happy Advent to you! We’re grateful for this season in the church year of anticipation, hope, and repentance. One of the recurring themes in our time with the Fellows is that they are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and as citizens they play a critical role in building up that…

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The Gospel Con Carne

The Gospel Con Carne

John 21:9-17 9 When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. 10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” 11 So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish,…

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Back from Thailand

“You want to grab dinner?” I asked one of our fellows after teaching his first ESL class at the Community Learning Center at St. Andrew’s in Chiang Mai, Thailand. “I want to die,” he replied with a grimace in his face. “The class was that bad?” Silence followed. We walked to…

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In Between

Brothers and Sisters, A blessed Advent to you. As we inhabit this intentional season of waiting and anticipation for Christ’s coming, we invite you to rest in the waiting and to see this time as where God is at work. Let’s not hurry to Christmas. Let’s not miss what He has…

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Agape Year is 1 Month Old!

Agape Year is 1 Month Old!

Born September 5, 2017 Maybe saying that Agape Year was born on September 5th is a bit misleading. As so many of you know, this has been something you’ve walked with us through for almost two years. But on September 5th, Caleb and Lucas walked through our front door and all…

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This is really happening

This is really happening

This is really happening! And yes, we are surprised. Thanks be to God, Agape Year 1.0 will start September 5th! Thanks to your prayers and financial support, we will welcome our first cohort, Caleb and Lucas, to Pittsburgh in just a few days. We’ll be in Pittsburgh September through January serving…

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