SAMS Stories

Agape Year is 1 Month Old!

Agape Year is 1 Month Old!

Born September 5, 2017 Maybe saying that Agape Year was born on September 5th is a bit misleading. As so many of you know, this has been something you’ve walked with us through for almost two years. But on September 5th, Caleb and Lucas walked through our front door and all…

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Man-Made Islands

Man-Made Islands

One of the most interesting cultural/geographical features I have seen in the Solomon Islands are the man-made reef islands that can be seen in and around various lagoons.  Many of the original builders/settlers of these islands were displaced from the bush-lands many...

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Called to Community

Called to Community

Today there are billions of people on earth. So, why do some of us still feel lonely? We pack our schedules with bible studies, community group, church, and volunteer projects, but we still can feel a void. God didn’t intend for us to be alone.

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Pulpit Supply

A couple weeks ago I was asked to fill in as a homilist at Sunday Eucharist.  I was given about 48 hours notice, which is considered "advanced" notice in this culture.  It was an opportunity I was grateful for.  The chapel is called "The Chapel of the Melanesian...

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