February’s news from January.
Ok, so about the title; I suppose it is January's news in February. But you're getting the news in February, so it's February's news that happened in January. We good? Ok. Things in this post: Chewie Update, hipster food photos, what Evan has been up to, family...
Painting A Powerful Point Of Contact
Dear Missions Family, My family and I greet you all in the WONDERFUL name of JESUS CHRIST and are BELIEVING that God is doing a wonderful NEW THING in your life. Many people I know had a very difficult year. In many ways last year was quite literally a...
Prayer Needs for Chile
This photo shows one of the points where fires have been burning during the weekend and now. This particular one is behind the rural Mapuche community where Bishop Abelino was born and raised. Fortunately, in this case, the fire has gone away from homes. But as we...
When Justice Cries:
Surprising Things Vol. 1
Missy here. I’m going with themes for my blog posts as there is so much to share and I’m trying to keep it focused. Still, this email has a lot of words… Before I get to some things which have surprised me about living here… prayer requests. 1. Pray for the...