SAMS Stories

July Newsletter

Bishops’s chapel, Belize City, Belize, C.A. A place of spiritual nourishment. Where diocesan staff devotions take place, weekly. Photo by the Rev. Dr. Shaw Mudge, (c) 2016.Bitten by the bug.When it comes to missionary work, I have been bitten by the missionary...

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Letter from the Mission Field (July 1, 2016)

It has been very busy here.  In January, the beginning of the school year in Honduras, we supported five poor children in the mountains around Tegucigalpa  and two in Copan Ruinas, as part of the Ministry of Presence. We helped them with school costs such as...

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Next Steps – Big Steps

Hello, dear friends! We have news to tell, and big plans to share.As Mary Beth shared last month, she had an amazing recital! By May 21st (two weeks later), she had taken her final exams and graduated summa cum laude with her Bachelor of Music! I am so proud…

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