A friend of ours, whom we respect and whose opinion we hold in high regard, recently introduced Louise and myself to a group of strangers as “kind of rock stars in Anglican missionary circles”. My first reaction was: YIKES! What will these people think when they actually get to know us? My natural tendency is to wrestle Paul for first place as chief of sinners…not as a rock star!
Of course, as missionaries, it is wonderful to have friends who serve us as our “champions” and who see us through lenses so vastly different from our own. We are grateful for those who make us and our ministry known to others, because they see something of value in what the Lord is doing in and through us. But rock stars?
I jokingly chided him for the undeserved title and he responded in good humor, but pointed out in all seriousness that in the Kingdom we should all be rock stars because Jesus is worth it. Serve Him with everything you’ve got to give. If that be the case, then yes and amen! We are quite happy to rock on!
As you know, Louise and I have been driving around a few States visiting our family, many old friends, making many new friends, preaching and speaking in churches and small groups…and now we are at St Christopher Camp and Conference Centre…still networking, but also enjoying the Lord and His beautiful creation in this part of His world. We hear our Lord saying to us, “Come aside and rest a while…”
There is a cross here that means a lot to us, as it was here that our Lord first called us back into the mission field…a special place…a thin place…and He continues to speak and lead and guide.
Of course we are anxious to return to the field. Our team at “Growing the Church” has written to ask when we are coming back as there are many in the 28 Diocese who are ready to begin with the Discipleship course…a course designed to disciple others to disciple others to disciple others. As we will be working in seven different southern African countries, this ministry is massive and has the ability to reach thousands.
But here’s the rub: we still need to raise more support before we can return. Would you pray with us? If you haven’t already, would you help us by signing up as a financial supporter? Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in this…we desire His blessing as much as yours.
SAMS-USA has said that, based on the cost-of-living guidelines for Southern Africa, our monthly financial need over the full length of term will be $6,295.50. We will also need about $20,000 for our vehicle and transport fund as we will be travelling quite a bit to six different countries…of course, we will have to sail to St Helena. J
Every penny counts…every penny…
We still have a number of stops to make before we can return, but we are praying for a return date in early April.
OR…make checks out and send them to:
P. O. Box 399
Ambridge, PA 15003
Please be sure to clearly state that the check is intended for Johann and Louise van der Bijl.
If you wish to support our vehicle/travel fund, do so via check only and write in the memo line: van der Bijl vehicle fund
We are grateful for the role you play in our lives and in the lives of those we serve. We pray for you regularly and appreciate you very much.
As always, we are only an email away…please write to us should you have any questions or concerns.
Every blessing and tons of love.