by Johann and Louise Vanderbijl | Oct 20, 2017 | Health, South Africa
Yesterday, something Bill Hybels said in a talk at the Global Leadership Summit took me back to my childhood.
I wasn’t a model child. My brother always said something went wrong when I started High School and got hooked up with the wrong crowd, but I think they just brought out what was deep down inside of me anyway. My behaviour was far from exemplary…and yes, I got progressively worse after going to High School, but maybe that had to do with finally understanding a lot of things that had already happened in my past. The anger that erupted somewhere between 7th and 8th grade was there all the time…bubbling, steaming, hissing…and when it all came to the surface, it wasn’t pretty. No one wanted to be around me…and I don’t blame them…I didn’t want to be round myself…I didn’t like myself one bit and it showed. I made people uncomfortable…
But there was someone who never gave up on me regardless of how irrational my behaviour became. She didn’t have to stick around, she just did because she’s just that kind of girl…she was loyal to a fault, blunt at times, but always honest and trustworthy. She never ratted on me or gossiped about me even when she could have won “cool” points with others who did. And when the Lord Jesus came into her life, she would not take no for an answer…she bugged me until I agreed to go with her to a Youth For Christ Crusade.
Georine knew me when I was at my worst. She knew everything single dirty secret of mine, every single private sin as well as every public sin I had committed…but she saw something in me no one else did…she saw something in me I didn’t see. And I owe her my life…so this short blog is to say ‘thank you’ to a person who is the embodiment of the God of Scripture…the one whose love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on me (1).
She didn’t have to, but she did because she’s just that kind of girl…
Thanks Gerry…I will always be eternally grateful for your love and friendship.
(1) Songwriters: Brian Johnson / Christa Black / Jeremy Riddle
One Thing Remains lyrics © Music Services, Inc
by Johann and Louise Vanderbijl | Oct 17, 2017 | Health, South Africa
Louise and I will be flying up to Johannesburg and then driving to Maputo, Mozambique, next week, 24 to 29 October. From Maputo, we will be driving up to Maciene in the northern region of the Southern Diocese of Lebombo. Apparently, it takes several hours to get there.
We are asking for prayer on a number of levels.
1. That we will be a blessing to everyone we encounter, from the moment we enter then country the moment we leave.
2. That our disciple-making training will be understood. We are using an interpreter who is well versed in our training material, but we are still asking the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts and minds of those who will be trained so that they might understand on a deeper level than merely the mind.
3. That we will be protected from all harm, whether physical or spiritual or emotional. The drive is long and the roads are not always the best. Also, Mozambique is just emerging from a long and bloody civil war. There are many who are not completely satisfied with the current situation. Also, on a spiritual level, apparently demonic possession has increased since the war…these spirits, called gamba, are identified by some as dead soldiers, and overwhelmingly possess women. Wherever we go, we plead the blood of Jesus over the area and those living there as so much blood has been spilled in southern Africa as a whole, but this is something different from what we have experienced up until now.
4. That we will not be harassed by people seeking bribes…either at the border or anywhere else. This often happens in places where “officials” are not paid well.
5. For health…against malaria (not really the time, but we pray against that odd mosquito), and any other illnesses. We are up to date on all our vaccines, but contaminated food and water can cause all sorts of problems.
Thank you for praying with and for us…thank you for holding the rope as we descend into this dark, but spiritual gem-filled mine.
Many blessings.
Johann and Louise
by Johann and Louise Vanderbijl | Oct 16, 2017 | Health, South Africa
So others have these kinds of days too…
by Johann and Louise Vanderbijl | Oct 5, 2017 | Health, South Africa
In the film “Forrest Gump”, the lead
character says, “My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You
never know what you’re gonna get.” This is very true of life in the Anglican
Province of Southern Africa. When you first meet someone, you are not quite
sure of their churchmanship…high church, low church, or anything in-between
church…charismatic, evangelical…and then there are conservatives, liberals,
progressives…the whole gamut. So, I have learned to do a lot of listening
before I say anything lest I inadvertently offend a potential disciple and lose
them even before we begin.
The brilliance of the material we use to
teach intentional disciple-making is that it is a mere structure based on the
model of Jesus…the windows and doors and furnishings must be supplied by the
person using the scaffolding we provide in our training. Whether that be Rooted
in Jesus, The God Who Is There, Alpha, Pilgrim, or any number of possible
studies that will bring the disciple into a deeper walk with Jesus…that is the
ultimate goal. To walk with and as Jesus walked…anchored in the Word, empowered
and in step with the Holy Spirit, energised by constant prayer.
As homework, the trainees are given a 60-Day
Chronological Study of the Life of Jesus to complete. There are accompanying
free videos online for them watch if they have Internet access. If not, the
study stands on it’s own. I also encourage them to do a chronological study of
the Bible as well as this will give them a firm foundation on which to stand
when engaging in disciple-making.

Last week, I (Johann – Louise is not with
me on this trip L) attended the three-day Provincial Standing Committee Meeting.
While not officially invited to attend as a member, I did have the opportunity
to address the participants together with the head of Growing the Church,
Bishop Martin Breytenbach. It seems that merely being introduced by Archbishop
Thabo was enough to open a number of doors for me. The title “The Reverend Doctor”
was used and the assembly was told that we had started and run a theological
College in Ethiopia…at that point it seemed as if I gained credibility…not the
way I wanted it to be, but titles are important here, and if that’s the way
forward, then so be it.
I managed to talk to Bishops and
representatives from all the Dioceses in the Province save St Helena
Island…Niassa, Angola, and Namibia all want us to come and do training in their
respective areas. Praise the Lord for this! Pray that Growing the Church will
receive the necessary funds to be able to make all these trips! Our budget was
cut in half recently.
From PSC I went up to the city of Polokwane
in the north-eastern part of South Africa to train seven members of the
Volunteer Internship Program (VIP), or the Secret Seven as I like to call them.
This Diocese is biblically well grounded and the participants already deeply
engaged in kingdom ministries. We will return to this Diocese in February next
From Polokwane I returned to the Gauteng
area…here I will train Diocesan representatives together with a few of the
faculty members we have trained on previous occasions.
On the way down, I stopped to see Louise’s
aunt who had just had gallbladder surgery. We spent a good two hours chatting
about the Lord and all He means to us. When I first arrived she was out of
breath and obviously in pain, but after we prayed together, she seemed to be
much better. The change was actually quite remarkable. Praise the Lord for that
I will report later on the training here in
Gauteng. We are going into a busy month, but most of our activities will be
centred in and around Cape Town. I miss Louise and I am looking forward to my
return on Sunday.
Love you all.
Johann and Louise