Cathy’s Quarterly: March 2018
Bishop Skilton (our retired assistant bishop) loves to remind us that God is good, all the time. My last quarterly asked you to consider God’s call to you in helping my neighbors with their housing needs and God moved many to help, raising over $7,000 for this project, without limiting the gifts for the regular ministry. THANK YOU! We have been handing out applications for assistance and are starting to look at the returned applications and visit the homes to see how we can best help. Please pray for God to guide us in our decisions as to whom and how to help. This is our most recent project, Avida’s house before and after.
Teaching continues to be my primary focus in terms of physical therapy ministry. This spring term I have 3 classes all of them in the new curriculum which started in January 2014. Most of the terms since then, I have had a new class to prepare and this is no exception. Many of those classes I taught only once or twice, but we have reached the point where the three neurology classes are now open. Many of those classes have had the same core group of students. In this picture, we are working on wheelchair mobility tasks to better help patients who have neurological conditions, such as spinal cord injuries.
It is close to the time for my next home ministry assignment and I am planning to return to Colorado for the fall term. My hope is to visit supporting churches and share in person about how God is working in the DR, during the months of September through December. It is a short time to visit everyone, and some visits will need to be creative, as there won’t be enough Sundays to visit all on Sundays. We can start the rough sketch of planning anytime now, with details firmed up closer to the time. Please pray that God is in control of all that will take place during this home ministry assignment.
Thank you for your support for this ministry! May God bless and guide you in all you do.
In Christ,
Cathy Donahoe is a SAMS Missionary and Physical Therapist serving in the Dominican Republic. You can support here