SAMS-USA Ministry In
Interested in Ministry to Africa?
SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.

A Chapter Ends, A New Begins
From SAMS Associate Missionaries Wayne and Nicole Curtis As you know, we returned to the United States in late...

5 Things Young Adults Should Know About Being a Missionary
We talked with SAMS Missionary April Sylvester currently serving in Zambia to learn what Young Adults should know...
September Update
Facing Outwards
Which way are you facing?
Newsletter: September 2017
When Louise and I teach the Disciple Making (Strategy) Training Module, we always see the lights come on during the lesson on the timeline of Peter’s growth as a disciple.
Did I Mention…?A…
Gauteng, Swaziland, and Beyond! Day Eighteen.
Shades of Gambela…there was a slaughter house right outside our gate in Gambela where people would gather after sunset and catch-up on community time until late every night…loudly.
Gauteng, Swaziland, and Beyond! Day Seventeen.
Louise woke up at 1 AM…not quite the time to get ready to leave, so she went and sat in the lounge and completed her 60 Day Chronological Study on the Life of Jesus
Gauteng, Swaziland, and Beyond! Day Sixteen.
Wherever we go on this trip we plead the blood of Jesus over the land and its people.