SAMS Stories

Work at Carmen Bajo

Date: 2017-01-12 00:00:00Life is unpredictable when you are living 9,350 feet above sea level, but at least the views are incredible! On Tuesday I started my project at the sewing studio in Carmen Bajo, a low-to-no-income neighborhood located on a steep mountainside in Quito. The facility at Carmen Bajo serves the community in multiple ways– child daycare,…

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Group decision making

Yesterday, a woman came in my office asking me to keep a kitenge (printed cloth) for another lecturer, and of course I agreed. Then she asked me if I wanted to look at the other bitenge (plural of kitenge). I knew I needed to say no, but I said yes.
So this…

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Meet SAMS-USA: John and Ninfa Dixon

Meet SAMS-USA: John and Ninfa Dixon

John, Ninfa, and their now grown children began their work in Spain by planting a church in a large, working class suburb of Madrid. The congregation now consists of about 60 people. They planted another church in the coastal town of Alicante. This ministry included...

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Morning by morning…

Date: 2017-01-06 00:00:00I’m here in the busy city of Quito! It’s just as I remember it to be– busy streets, barking dogs, chilly mornings, rainy afternoons, and delicious food! I am so grateful to be back and excited for the upcoming weeks. Just in these first few days, God has already provided many amazing graces and…

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He’s here!

Happy Epiphany!  For me this is a time to reflect on the incarnation of our Lord Jesus.  When the wise men arrived to see the baby Jesus, everything changed.   Jesus was now manifested beyond the Jews to the whole world.  This is a time of year I...

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