SAMS Stories

Back in Davao for a Time

As our last newsletter explained, we are returning to North America for the sake of Sora’s health and our kids’ education and well-being. But we are stopping in Davao until the 3rd of February to see old friends, resume old ministries, and enjoy a place that is full of happy memories…

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New Year

One of the best things about living in South Africa is that the country virtually shuts down during the Christmas season. Not only is it the holidays, but it is also our big summer vacation. Many people are off for the three-four weeks, including us at Growing the Church. For Americans,…

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A little about…

Date: 2017-01-18 00:00:00Wednesday! This is my long day. I start work at Carmen Bajo around 8:30AM, teach 2 two hour sewing sessions, break for lunch, resume teaching until 4:30PM and then head down the hill to the church to help with an evening women’s group until 7PM. This is a typical day… well actually there is no “typical…

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Goin’ to the chapel

Each Thursday and Sunday evening we have a Holy Communion service. Students know that I’m very serious about keeping time, and they have much improved upon not entering during prayers or Scripture readings. I’m very proud of them. 
I don’t know whether this is an African thing, or a low church thing,…

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