by Shaw and Julie Mudge | Aug 17, 2016 | Belize
As I write this, the country of Belize is recovering from Hurricane Earl. The Church in Belize is not a wealthy diocese, and that is one reason why the Church depends on people like myself to help, people who are funded by SAMS, which in turn is funded by people like yourself. So, when a major storm like Earl comes by and costs about $13000 to make a rectory habitable again, the cost is really high for the congregation and the diocese. For the bigger picture:
Similar to what I have mentioned elsewhere:
The Bishop’s residence in Belize, some of the diocesan office complex, and at least two rectories that I know of were hit and suffered damage, all in Belize City near the water. One of the rectories belonged to the leading cleric of the Cathedral. Another of the rectories belonged to the Rector of St. Mary the Virgin.
In addition to structural damage, there was also the concern about biological matter floating in the water through the streets and into homes, as well as potential for disease to spread. And while the water has subsided, unless the structural damage is repaired, especially the walls surrounding buildings, there is also a concern about potential break-ins and theft.
I am passing along information that I asked of the diocesan office in Belize for anyone wanting to help, in response to those wishing to do something:
Dear Fr. Shaw,
Cheques or international postal orders may be made payable to Anglican Diocese of Belize.
And mailed to Cecile Reyes or Bp. Philip Wright
Anglican Diocese of Belize
P.O.Box 535
Belize City
Belize, C. A.
I have information for wire transfers, as needed. Please pray that God would provide those who can help.
Both we and the Church in Belize depend on the generosity of people like you. Our ministry is unique, meeting unique and important needs. For us, it means becoming bi-vocational tentmakers like Paul, and yet the SAMS family is what makes it possible. Giving to us also helps SAMS. Our form of ministry is strategically more to the advantage of spreading the Gospel in a way that would not have been possible in more traditional missionary assignments. We have the flexibility to do what is needed, as needed by Bishop Philip.
Thank you for enabling us to do what Jesus has called us to do by supporting our ministry through SAMS. We and SAMS could not do it without you.
In Jesus,
Fr. Shaw, and on behalf of Mtr. Julie.
SAMS missionaries with the Diocese of Belize.
Please pray for us. And for our ministry, make checks out to: “SAMS“. Put “Shaw and Julie Mudge” in the memo. Thank you.
Mailing address:
P. O. Box 399,
Ambridge, PA 15003-0399.
Diocesan Office complex, Belize City, C.A.
in the wake of
Hurricane Earl, August 2016. Photo provided by the diocesan office.
by Shaw and Julie Mudge | Jul 20, 2016 | Belize
Bishops’s chapel, Belize City, Belize, C.A. A place of spiritual
nourishment. Where diocesan staff devotions take place, weekly. Photo by the Rev. Dr. Shaw Mudge, (c) 2016.
Bitten by the bug.
When it comes to missionary work, I have been bitten by the missionary bug. I can’t seem to get it out of my system. And this is confirmed by the fact that my identity is now perceived by many people solely as a missionary, especially those who have not known me in other roles.
Multi-cultural environments have become a way of life. Living on the edge in culture is an exhilarating way of life. Watching what the Holy Spirit does through us is a way of life. And the lessons from missionary life are sometimes lessons that we pass along which help make spreading the Gospel more effective in the U.S. for other folks.
Being bitten by the missionary bug, is being a third culture Christian, living in the mindset of at least two cultures, though as I look ahead to 2017, it could be simultaneously four cultures. People ask how I can do it. It is like any skill: practice, practice, and practice.
Isn’t it dangerous? Yes and no. There are moments of excitement. Being aware of my surroundings, and taking necessary precautions to guard against unnecessary risks, living in moderation and according to cultural norms: it helps keep me on top of my game, so to speak.
What about spreading the Gospel? That is what I do regularly, in one form or another. Simply be alert to what God has in mind. Spreading the Gospel occurs in word and deed. It always includes following the lead of the Holy Spirit into God-incidences.
Over time, we may end up with interesting results, such as this month, which includes moving ever closer to the publication of Spanish Prayer Book for the Province of the Church in the West Indies and the ordination of 3 priests in Belize, a historic moment for the Church in Belize. July marks my 14th trip to Belize since 2012, and Julie is joining me, making a return trip, as well. The results are cumulative, over time.
And we could not have caught the bug without your prayer and financial support. We are ambassadors for Christ. Thank you for enabling us to do what Jesus has called us to do. In that sense, we are your ambassadors as well.
God bless you,
In Jesus,
Fr. Shaw, and on behalf of Mtr. Julie.
SAMS missionaries with the Diocese of Belize.
Please pray, and continue to make checks out to: “SAMS“. Put “Shaw and Julie Mudge” in the memo, to support what we are doing.
Mailing address:
P. O. Box 399,
Ambridge, PA 15003-0399.
by Shaw and Julie Mudge | May 25, 2016 | Belize
by Shaw and Julie Mudge | May 21, 2016 | Belize
Dear Friends,
This is our prayer mail for 15 May 2016:
This week,
I updated a few Websites.
I have been adjusting back to the temperature and humidity of New England. I miss Belize.
I am also helping out in a local parish here.
I have been back in the U.S. and an settling into the stride between trips. That does not sound quite right. Let me try this again. I am looking ahead to what God will be doing in our ministry with Belize until my next trip. There are several possibilities coming up for the next trip. Partly this is will be informed by when ordinations might take place in Belize (a moving target by the day – but probably in July-ish? – short trip), and part is according to fixed events (for the moment on the Diocesan Calendar), such as Diocesan Synod in October – a standard trip.
I am planning strategic moves with the Commission on Ministry in Belize.
Courses continue as one student at least is headed into the homestretch of about 6 months or so to go, after having been taking courses for 4 years and applying them. Awesome. The ripple effect of various students’ work is beginning to be felt across Belize, quite possibly a significant vector into the military, in one case.
1) that this time period between trips continue to be fruitful, and for all the plans we are making for the future in Belize in several areas, and for all the people involved in those plans.
2) For the future: for people in the ordination process and future ordination plans, for people in the distance learning program, for the Commission on Ministry, and for the Bishop of Belize.
3) Meanwhile, prayers for the Spanish Prayerbook as it moves closer to being printed.
4) I pray for you every day.
5) If you are going to be at the Diocese of Albany diocesan convention in June, look for our booth.
Are we making a difference? Absolutely. We are the Holy Trinity’s people, at the right time, doing the right things, as the right team in Belize. Awesome.
God bless you,
Fr. Shaw
by Shaw and Julie Mudge | May 16, 2016 | Belize