by Jeannie Loving | Jan 4, 2018 | Honduras
Since arriving in Honduras, I have been very busy. I have two children going to Operation Smile, I had one heart patient report in, completely healed and no longer a heart patient, I am preparing for the vet team, meeting with Santa Maria Magdalena church on the building of their temple, arranging scholarships, helping to get the shoes and uniforms ready for the children in the elementary, and going forward with the work on the kindergarten. Read more in my newsletter!
by Jeannie Loving | Oct 24, 2017 | Honduras
I am currently in Honduras, where work is going forward on the kindergarten in San Lorenzo. I have had to let go and let God on my projects. Not surprisingly, they are moving forward better than ever. Read more in Jeannie’s October Newsletter
by Jeannie Loving | Jun 6, 2017 | Honduras
We purchased a lot for the kindergarten, and work has begun on its fence. The materials have been delivered, and the trenches are almost finished. Meanwhile, the city of Danli passed a budget which includes the promised funds to build the kindergarten building. The kindergarten has a teacher, Edgar Tercero, and meets in the community center while the kindergarten is being built.The kindergarteners receive bags of hygiene kits from Christ Child Society. It’s their first time to have their own soap, shampoo, washcloth, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste. Read more in Jeannie’s May 2017 Newsletter
by Jeannie Loving | Feb 28, 2017 | Honduras
School started this month, and we started with forty-six scholarships, thanks to you. We have 31 grade schoolers in San Lorenzo who have received uniforms, school supplies, breakfast, and lunch. There are 12 middle and high schoolers who are on scholarship, and two students who are on university scholarships. In addition we have one student on scholarship to bilingual school at St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Tegucigalpa.
You are making a difference, one family at a time.
Read more in my February newsletter!
by Jeannie Loving | Dec 18, 2016 | Honduras
The Reverend Deacon Victor Velazquez officiating at Morning Prayer in the Centro Comunal. We are anxious to have our new church building. Read more in Jeannie’s December 2016 Newsletter!