Upon arriving in London to begin our round of meetings, I realised I had carelessly left my small cotton bag with my travel Bible, journal and study pamphlets, along with a new paperback I had saved for the trip and a few other special items.
After the initial shock and sadness, the Spirit brought to mind how something similar happened about 20 years ago. I had left my Palm Pilot (I suppose one must be over 40 to remember those…) in a US airport. We contacted a friend who was a pilot from that airport. Amazingly, a waitress had picked it up and, as there was no contact information, she didn’t know what to do. I had tucked a special Bible verse on a slip of paper but that was all. Our friend was able to locate her through the airport channels and she explained how she was seeking God and this verse spoke to her. He was able to share the Good News with her. Oh! Praise His Name!
As I reflected on this mercy of God, I began to wonder how He would use this particular Bible and journal. HE had lightened my load.
Part of the contents of my bag were handed to a British Airways Flight Engineer by a colleague and she began to search diligently for me. She found my Facebook account and sent a message. I was pleasantly surprised but not shocked as I had come to a place of peace that God was at work. She is to post the Bible, journal and pamphlets to me…the other items are in the hands of another. She was the one the Father chose to handle that copy of His Word…please pray that she would be drawn into the Kingdom…
My prayer is that the Father would continue to “Lighten my Load” as He sees best and that I would respond with peace of heart and trust in His boundless kindnesses.