by Nate and Erika Twichell | Apr 8, 2016 | Gap Year, SAMS Missionaries, USA
Three years ago, Erika and I attended the New Wineskins conference as a very newlywed couple…2 months newlywed! We were challenged and encouraged, and as we walked the conference grounds, we wondered how God was going to use us as we desired so strongly to be used, and to serve His kingdom in missions. And now here we are again, with a 2 year old, launching Agape Year. Please pray for our time here as we chat with folks about Agape Year, seek new financial and prayer partners, and recruit for our pilot year.
by Nate and Erika Twichell | Mar 4, 2016 | Gap Year, SAMS Missionaries, USA
we’re thankful to have you on this journey. we hope to use this site to share with you God’s unfolding story in our lives. most recently, we’ve been thrilled to see Him answer our prayer to serve in a missional setting together… enter AGAPE YEAR!
here’s a brief description of how we got here and where we are going, God willing. we hope you come along as well:
God doesn’t always take the most direct route. The past three years have proven this fact to our family. Shortly after meeting, we both shared our desire to partner with God’s mission in reaching every tribe, nation, and tongue. We hoped God would lead us to do this together, but we weren’t sure what it would look like. We’re two different people with different gifts. How could God use us together to do infinitely more than we could ask for or imagine? God took an interesting route in bringing us to this next step we’d like to share with you. Through seminary, unemployment, a gnarly job search, rewarding work found, God led the way. It was hard at times to trust He had us in His good hands. And, then His hand led us even further along, further into that vision He gave us early on and has been our heart’s prayer.
This past November, after much prayer and discernment, we accepted the call to be Directors of an Anglican Gap Year Program for recent high-school graduates. We couldn’t have expected our prayer to be answered in such profound and challenging way. Both Nate’s experience with business and entrepreneurship and my experience in teaching, ministry, and mentoring will be used together to build the Kingdom is this unique way.