Loving Honduras December 2015

Loving Honduras December 2015

I have spent the last two weeks at my casita in San Lorenzo. We are having nine nights of posadas at different houses each night. The posada was at my casita on Monday. The villagers come down the road singing, led by two children dressed as Mary and Joseph. They knock on the door and sing to gain admittance, which they are denied until Christmas Eve, when they are finally recognized, invited in, and treated to a party. Read more…
Loving Honduras November 2015

Loving Honduras November 2015

Each year the Women of Purpose have a Revive Reunion in Honduras for women in the mission field. This year 110 missionaries attended from all over Honduras. The theme was being still.
In an exercise about being light, we wrote: “I have everything I need.” And I realize that I do. And I am grateful for all that I have. As the 23rd psalm says, “The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need.”
We symbolically threw away our fears. It was amazing how similar our fears were. Mine were fear of being rejected, and fear of being alone. Others were fear of failure, fear of incompetence. But those were pretty much the four all the missionary women there mentioned. I was surprised our fears were so similar. Our ages ranged from 17 to 70.
And we talked about how our dreams had changed between the time we were called to the mission field and now. So many leave the mission field the first year of service when it’s not like they think it will be.
Speaking for myself, I was glad when God showed me what he wanted from me, because it wasn’t what I expected. It was more appropriate to me.
Women of Purpose does the mending part of Send, Tend, and Mend. It means so much to missionaries. Read More…
Loving Honduras September 2015

Loving Honduras September 2015

We’ve just celebrated Independence Day here, September 15. Every school child in Honduras participates in the parades. San Lorenzo’s was filmed for TV. The rural parades have a flavor that the city parades can’t match! Read more about it in Jeannie’s latest newsletter!