by Dean Baldwin | Oct 4, 2017 | Solomon Islands
One of the most interesting cultural/geographical features I have seen in the Solomon Islands are the man-made reef islands that can be seen in and around various lagoons. Many of the original builders/settlers of these islands were displaced from the bush-lands many generations ago. Slowly, canoe load by canoe load, these settlers brought pieces of dead coral and piled them upon one another, until their islands were built. This picture is taken at mid-tide–the water level will rise a bit higher than seen here. Historically, these sea people would catch fish and create shell-money (still an active currency) to be traded with bush-people for sweet potato, cassava, taro, etc.
by Dean Baldwin | Sep 26, 2017 | Solomon Islands
A couple weeks ago I was asked to fill in as a homilist at Sunday Eucharist. I was given about 48 hours notice, which is considered “advanced” notice in this culture. It was an opportunity I was grateful for. The chapel is called “The Chapel of the Melanesian Martyrs.” In an upcoming post I will share a bit more about the martyrs to whom the chapel is dedicated.
Worship in the Anglican Church of Melanesia tends to be Anglo-Catholic in style, and features incense, vestments, and familiar hymns and creeds. There are, however, many distinctive Melanesian features (you can probably see my bare feet!) that I continue to discover.
by Dean Baldwin | Jun 28, 2017 | Solomon Islands
Last week Lynn and I authorized the purchase of my plane tickets to and from the Solomon Islands! I am humbled and grateful for the financial support that has come in from individuals and churches. Support raising did not always seem plausible/possible, but God has certainly been good! Opportunities for me to share about my upcoming work in the Solomon Islands continue to arise and support continues to come in. The opportunities to preach, teach, share and connect with people have been encouraging to me.
During the six months I am in the Solomons I will have limited (possibly no) reliable access to the internet. I am a millennial, but I am also a semi-Luddite, so I am not too worried about this. On the other hand, it is important for me to keep folks at home updated. If you would like to sign up for my email newsletter, please click here and fill out the form. I’ll be working with some folks back home to send out periodic updates.