New SAMS Missionary Candidates Lee and Ela Nelson are responding to a call to contribute to the re-evangelization of Europe through the Knüll Camp and Conference Center in Schwarzenborn, Germany. Two ACNA jurisdictions will come alongside Lee and Ela and their children for a collaborative sending effort. Both the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) Board of Foreign Missions and the Diocese of the Fort Worth are engaged in directly supporting and encouraging others to join this ministry as Senders of the Nelson family.
For five decades REC Bishop Gerhard Meyer with his wife Grace led the Camp, where many have been blessed in the Lord. As the new director, Lee will be developing a training center to encourage the planting of healthy, multiplying churches throughout Europe.
While work needs to be done to upgrade the camp, Lee and Ela envision it as a strategic place to launch initiatives like the training center. A second focus will be to make the camp a hospitable refuge for beleaguered Christians, lay and clergy alike. Please pray for the Nelson family as they seek Senders and then transition
from Texas to Germany to equip and refresh the church.