by Daniel and Rebekah Behrens, SAMS Missionaries in the U.S.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
These famous words begin Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities and they come to mind when I reflect on the stark contrasts we have seen during the season of Epiphany. We want to share honestly about both the darkness and the light, with the assurance that Jesus gives: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).
The Season of Darkness
On his first day in office, President Trump halted the United States Refugee Admissions Program. Flights were cancelled even for families who were fully vetted and had been waiting for years for a fresh start. This was painful to see, but not a surprise.
Days later the State Department issued an unexpected “Stop Work” order to organizations that resettle refugees. This meant that refugee families who had arrived in November, December, and January were left without the support which the U.S. government had promised them. The first 90 days are a critical time where agencies help families struggle for stability (learning how to ride the bus, finding groceries, signing up for school, finding a job, etc). In the best of circumstances, this is a huge effort for the agency and a massive adjustment for the family. Suddenly, agencies across the country had the rug pulled out from them. In Pittsburgh, they reeled to adjust, laying off staff, re-assigning families to other programs, and putting out pleas for volunteer help and financial support.
Let me say here that I am in favor of reforms to the way immigration to the U.S. happens. There is much we can and should debate and reform. But refugee resettlement is a model of regulated, legal immigration for families who do not have the option of returning to their home countries. To halt resettlement and cut support without warning to vulnerable families we have already invited into our communities is a level of barbarity which still makes me shake with anger and bow my head in shame.
The Season of Light
Where have we seen the light in the midst of this darkness? Because of our existing relationship with Hello Neighbor, one of the resettlement agencies in Pittsburgh, Church of the Ascension was positioned to respond quickly. Within days of the “Stop Work” order our senior pastor shared a request with the congregation for gift cards to help purchase groceries for families who were still in temporary housing. We, in partnership with another missionary couple within Ascension, extended an invitation for congregants to form a “Rapid Response Team” (RRT) to meet needs in our area. The congregation responded with overwhelming generosity. Over 50 people came to an informational meeting to learn more about the RRT and we received thousands of dollars in gift cards.
Within days, the RRT was on the move – picking up groceries, driving people to the grocery store, or showing them how to use the bus. In the weeks since then, our efforts have included setting up a home, gathering and delivering furniture, driving to medical appointments, providing English learning resources, sharing clothing, playing at a park, going to the library, and simply visiting and drinking tea. We have focused on about a dozen recently-arrived families from the Congo, South Sudan, Eritrea, Honduras, and Afghanistan. The resettlement agencies have had to continue laying off staff and making hard adjustments as it becomes clear that federal support is likely to stop for a prolonged time. In the midst of this darkness, it has been an absolute honor to see God’s people rising to the occasion. Their joy and sacrifice bolster our faith that God is still at work.
Thank you!
Read more about Daniel and Rebekah Behren’s ministry to immigrants and how you can support them and the immigrants they serve here.
Keep it up the good work. We will be praying for you