Annabelle is always up for an adventure!
Hi! We are Missy, Evan, and Annabelle Hansen. We currently live in Charlottesville, VA. From December 2018 to December 2019 we will be working with SAMS’ missionaries David and Mary Beth Alenskis in Belize. This is Evan writing. I’ll tell you a bit about us.
Both Missy and I have been full time ministers in the course of our lives. We moved to Charlottesville 10 years ago to help start a church, All Souls Charlottesville, where I am an elder.
Missy was born to missionary parents in Zambia, has worked in women’s ministry, and is currently working as a Licensed Professional Counselor. I think she’s brilliant. She will be doing some counseling through the local church in Belize. There are no therapists in the region where we will be living and we are told the need is great. Please pray we will find a way for Missy to best use her time to help people well without being overwhelmed by the need.
I am a minister ordained in the Baptist tradition through All Souls. I studied theology at Gordon-Conwell and worked in College ministry at the University of Virginia. I currently work as a Realtor, but mentoring young leaders is something that has remained important to me. In Belize I will be mentoring, discipling, and equipping lay leaders in the local parishes. I’m a jack of all trades kind of guy and hope to put my mechanical, carpentry, and musical skills to use as well. Please pray for me to learn to slow my pace and let the Spirit guide my interactions.
Annabelle is 5. She just finished Kindergarten and is currently taking swimming lessons. She loves all things science. She has a great imagination and is already planning archeological digs at local sites. She also saw a video where kids ate termites in Belize and she can’t wait to try that out. We’re all excited that she’ll have school uniforms so we don’t fight about what she’ll wear every morning. Please pray for her to form rich friendships.
How You Can Participate – PRAY
Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. – Mother Teresa
We know many things will be in flux and are anticipating challenges and adventures.Our preparations have already been going on for over six months but as our departure draws closer, they are escalating. Our lists already seem too long to possibly be accomplished. Please pray for our many preparations and especially for Evan’s visit in November to find a suitable house to rent.
We will blog here with general ministry updates. If you would like a photo card for your refrigerator, or if you would like to get regular emails with more detailed life and ministry updates, let me know at c.evanhansen@gmail.com.
How You Can Participate – GIVE
Our church, All Souls Charlottesville, generously supports us in this endeavor with their prayers and financial support. We too, are making financial contributions towards this mission, but we also need your prayers and gifts. We need to raise $30,000 in order to provide for our costs for one year including transportation there and back. We can share our budget with you if you so desire.
We look forward to sharing God’s love with the people we are going to serve and thank you very much for your support. We will keep you informed about your investment in our ministry and we look forward to sharing more about our experiences with you when we return.
With all our love,
Evan, Missy, and Annabelle Bright Hansen