It’s funny how the lights always seem to
come on during the lesson on the timeline of Peter’s growth as a disciple.
Perhaps there is a little bit of Peter in everyone of us and we can identify
with his hesitance in the beginning, his zeal as a young follower of Jesus, his
bravado as his self-confidence grew, his despair as he failed to meet his unrealistic
expectations, his embarrassment and his lack of confidence after his very
public failure, and his final surrender to the Lord…the place where he needed
to be all along. Clergy have a hard life. Expectations all around are
unrealistic…and they often try to meet them in their own strength…and when they
fail, people can be cruel. Not so Jesus…He gently leads Peter back to the task
of feeding the sheep, building him up instead of breaking him down.
Perhaps that’s why everyone gets excited at
this point in the training…when Jesus is making us fishers of people, He wins,
He builds, He equips, and He is with us every step of the way as He multiplies
Himself in and through us.
Peter offers us hope…
We completed the first group today. They
got together right after lunch to discuss the way forward…no grass growing
under their feet! No sir!

We visited the cathedral today and then
took a short walk about the city…and we have Internet…close to perfect…