Very early last Thursday morning we flew to Siem Reip, Cambodia, because we needed to be out of country in order to re-start our 30-day limit without buying a visa.  We were happy to do this as it gave us an opportunity to visit Angkor Wat, one of the major tourist destinations in the world.   It was very interesting and we wandered around there for nearly four hours despite the hot sun.   I’ll leave it to you to look up the history for this place as it is a lot to write here.  After this most famous temple, we also visited Ta Prohm, the temple where Tomb Raider was partially filmed.  Then on to Bayon and on to see the sunset (which we didn’t actually do) at another temple high on a hill.  I forget the name of that one.  I didn’t make it all the way to the top of the hill and turned back although Chuck, as always, charged on.  When he came down he told me I was actually almost there when I turned back.  I was just SO hot that climbing was not at all fun.  He took some nice photos there, but unfortunately, my card reader for my old camera which he was using will no longer work and we couldn’t find one here.  But there are plenty of pictures from my camera to share.  In addition to the temples we visited, there were many that we passed that were not open to tourists.  I had no idea it was such a large area.

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Our transportation and driver for our three days in Cambodia–tuk tuk and driver, Saar-rot (I’m just guessing at how to spell his name)

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Love those stairs—there were many

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The following five pictures are at TaProhm

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The next three are from Bayon temple.we”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’eeeeeeeeeeeeee””””””””’

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Chuck looks at a memorial to The Killing Fields–many died here in Cambodia.

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At the Angor National Museum, Siem Reip, Cambodia

That’s it for today!
