It seems to me that most of my posts of late have been teetering on the edge of frantic. Sign up now! Sign up now! Sign up now!
But last evening I was reminded that our journey in life is all about relationship. The Psalmist indicates that while some trust in the power or generosity of fellow humans, he trusts in the name of the Lord his God. And trust presupposes relationship.
Someone recently said that our going to serve in southern Africa was because we are obedient. That is true, but even willing obedience is founded upon relationship.
If we did not know that our God is who He is, we would not be going. We are going because the God who demonstrated His love for the world in sacrificing Himself to make such a relationship possible has called us to go. And He who calls us is faithful. Like a good shepherd, He cares and provides for each sheep.
The proof of this is, of course, His Word. There we see in the lives of each biblical character that what He has promised, He will do. And indeed history, both general and personal, bears witness to this reality. As we look on back down the path into the past we can honestly say that the Lord has always been with us and has always done what is best for us.

So, we rest in His goodness, kindness, graciousness, mercy, love, wisdom, and power, knowing full well that we are not alone. He has promised that as we go into His world to make disciples of all nations, He will be with us even to the end of the age.