Advent reflection from Wade and Chelsea Weeldreyer
Wade and Chelsea Weeldreyer, SAMS Missionaries to Rwanda
We see the Light of the World…
… when women and children gather at the Word Made Flesh ministry center in Kigali. where Chelsea serves. The prophet Isaiah wrote that “The people walking in darkness” would see a great light, and that the Lord would increase their joy. While 21st-century at-risk populations were not necessarily on Isaiah’s radar, we continue to see this prophecy fulfilled in our midst as God shares his grace with the world. The women and children in Kigali’s slums face the darkness of poverty: loneliness and depression; financial insecurity; abuse and neglect; hopelessness; and shame, to name a few.
But when they gather together as a Christ-seeking community with care for both body and soul, they are reminded that the Light of Life renders the darkness powerless in the grand scheme of things. The challenges of poverty continue to exist, but do not have the final word. The Great Light, Jesus, increases their joy even in the midst of hardship.
I see this Light of Life in the peace of the women’s smiles, and their sense of ease and refuge being in each other’s presence. I see this Light of Life in children who dance and play because their fears lessen when they are assured that the Lord loves them and wants abundant life for them. Praise be to God that the Great Light himself, Jesus, continues to enlarge his people and to bring joy — and that we as missionaries are witnesses to tell of it!
Read more about Wade and Chelsea