SAMS-USA Ministry In
Interested in Ministry to Honduras?
SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.

Missionaries in Honduras create job opportunities for struggling parents
You’re a parent of two children in Honduras, struggling to provide for your family in a violent and poverty-stricken...
Home again, home again
Album Supports Hope of Jesus Children’s Home
Mike and Kim Miller are SAMS Missionaries serving in Honduras. They are the founders of Hope of Jesus Children's Home,...
Gracias, Papa
Loving Honduras October 2017
I am currently in Honduras, where work is going forward on the kindergarten in San Lorenzo. I have had to let go and let God on my projects. Not surprisingly, they are moving forward better than ever.
Ariel’s Miracle
Flowing love
Rejoice and dance!
Rejoice and dance!
Delays Aren’t Always Bad
Offer thanksgiving or push for your plan?
Classes for Angelita: Learning Sign Language
Jack Melvin, SAMS Missionary in Honduras serves and cares for the people in his community. Recently he shared about a...
Breaking the cycle.
Empowering the next generation through mentorship, discipleship and education.