David and Patricia Ayres, SAMS Missionaries to Germany
We often see the Light of the World…
…obscured, and to be honest, the Light of Life is sometimes hard for us to see in Berlin. We know and pray for so many people who are still in darkness, including many members of our own family. Some who do take steps of faith toward the light seem quickly to fall away. False gods lure people away with counterfeit light. At this time of year, we are discouraged to see so many in love with decorations and Christmas lights, but who have utterly rejected the Light of the World whose birth we celebrate.
But . . . just this Sunday, a young Muslim man (“M”) from Syria joined us for worship at Christ Church. He even came in early and helped us set up the chairs. He listened intently and came forward at the Eucharist to receive a blessing. Afterwards, he had many questions, but he said he enjoyed the atmosphere of our little church. We pray that M caught a glimpse of God’s glorious light. Indeed, our prayer is that “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ will shine (in M’s heart) to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”