Roger and Joanne Griffin, SAMS Missionaries to Mexico

We see the Light of the World…

… shine even amid darkness. “Why do you love Mexico? The Devil owns Mexico!” declared our taxi driver. A bitter cloud descended on his face, his eyes visibly darkened with anger and sadness. “Mexico is a bad place.”

We would learn later that suicide famously stalks this city more than any other in Mexico– it even has its own religious cult– and it affects our younger friends. So, it shines brightest when we can sit with a young woman and assure her that suicide isn’t “a choice” deserving of respect and understanding, but that it is a surrender to a great evil, to a lie.

The entrance of True Light in that moment brought the healing tears that she wouldn’t allow before, the balm for the hurt she was denying, the strength to resist the virus of death. This seems to us a small, but privileged work: to fortify a soul that the darkness would claim, to speak truth and meaning into a broken heart, to plant a seed of Hope. Despair cannot overcome the simple, glorious Truth of His birth, His victory, His kingdom now come, and here in the darkness, His Light to the nations.


Read more about Roger and Joanne