It’s hard to believe that we are heading back home soon. The time has flown by quickly. We have had a great time on our furlough and look forward to serving together as a missionary couple. Here are some of our experiences and highlights on furlough.
- Wayne’s first trip to NYC
- Wayne’s first snow
Wayne masters driving on the right side of the road.
- Taking walks with Mom and Dad
- Spending quality time with donors and supporters
- Sharing our stories from the field with others
- Meeting my bestie’s husband
- Visiting Graceland and the National Civil Rights Museum
- Enjoying special friend time
- Sharing in parish life again at my home church, St. George’s
- Meeting a ton of new parishioners at St. George’s
- Attending the SAMS missionary retreat
- Wayne experiences his first Super Bowl and March Madness
- Making my first pecan pie
- Having random conversations with little brother
- Hanging out with little sis
- Chilling with big brother and getting spoiled by him
- Playing and cuddling with my fur-nephew
- Discovering Cook-Out Burgers (I could float back to Cape Town.)
- Eating biscuits, sausage, and bacon (Once again, I could float back home.)
I’m looking forward to getting back home, although I’m sad to leave my family and friends here. When I’m in Cape Town, I miss my family and friends in the States. When I’m in Tennessee, I miss my family and friends in South Africa. It’s the tension but beauty of living cross-culturally and having two homes.
Important Note:
We are running short on what we need for our monthly support. If you would like to partner with us in ministry by making a one-time donation or by making a pledge, please visit
We thank you in advance for your generosity!