Merry Christmas to everyone
and God’s blessing to you during this holy season,

I celebrated this Christmas in the Church of the Annunciation in the campo. Again I brought presents for the children. It was beautiful experience.
Last month in November, I was in Massachusetts visiting churches and friends. I spent Thanksgiving with my family for the first time in two year.
Generally, my thanksgiving newsletter is my thank you letter for supporting this mission. But this year, since I was in the US, let me thank you now for your generosity. Your support has made the following projects possible:
1. Emmanuel Church, Roatán: The first year we designed and redesigned the church. The second year we laid the foundations and started the wall. This year we finished the walls and will start the roof. The process is slow, because we only build when we have the money. But, on the other hand, we will have no mortgage when we finish.
2. Good Shepherd Church, Sta Maria, El Paraíso. This year we finished the roof and the tower. We have installed bars for the windows. Now we must paint and finish the interior.
3. Zamorano Diocesan Retreat Center. The schematic design is finished and are raising money to build the meeting hall, as Phase One.
4. St. John Bilingual School. With help of Inscape Publico, our pro bono architects in Washington DC, we are in the process of building the school cafetería, which will serve as classroom until the rest of the school is finished.
5. And finally, the Ministry of Presence continues to help young people with their education, pay for medical bills, buy computers for college students, aid for those in desperate need. Please see the prayer requests below and pray for the people we are helping.
Also, if possible, please consider an end of the year donation, so that I may continue with God’s work here. (See link to the right.)
Thank you.
Peace and all goodness to you,
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