In June, it was our joy to visit Uyoma Primary School in Western Kenya. The nearly 500 students welcomed us with eager smiles and had a blast playing games with Josh. We’ve been engaged in a campaign to provide textbooks and other resources to under-equipped rural schools and Uyoma is our first key partner. Some of the youth we work with in Nairobi have gotten very involved in this mission and we are excited to see how it continues to develop.

Thanks to generous contributions from friends in honor of Michael C. Normile, we were able to deliver 150 textbooks as well as a fourth month supply of sanitary towels. We are hoping to continue to raise funds towards this campaign and eventually establish a library at Uyoma. Check out a short video from our visit to Uyoma below:

Uyoma Primary Visit from iHope Photography on Vimeo.

Donations to the school supply fund can be made to SAMS. Just select the box for