SAMS-USA Ministry In


Interested in Ministry to Honduras?

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.

Are you sensing a call to Honduras? We'd love to have a conversation with you.
Loving Honduras December 2015

Loving Honduras December 2015

I have spent the last two weeks at my casita in San Lorenzo. We are having nine nights of posadas at different houses each night. The posada was at my casita on Monday. The villagers come down the road singing, led by two children dressed as Mary and Joseph. They knock…

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Loving Honduras November 2015

Loving Honduras November 2015

Each year the Women of Purpose have a Revive Reunion in Honduras for women in the mission field. This year 110 missionaries attended from all over Honduras. The theme was being still.
In an exercise about being light, we wrote: “I have everything I need.” And I realize that I do. And…

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