Helping With A Smile - Update In Honduras The following comes from SAMS Missionary Amanda Scott serving in Honduras:...

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.
Helping With A Smile - Update In Honduras The following comes from SAMS Missionary Amanda Scott serving in Honduras:...
Merry Christmas to everyoneand God's blessing to you during this holy season, I celebrated this...
When I was living in Copan Ruinas, I met a retired Canadian in his seventies, who was travelling...
This year we had a suprise gift from Paloma Lee, 12 years old, from Hamilton-Wenham,...
Years ago, while still working for IBM, someone told me I was not "evangelical enough." Startled, I vigorously...
I just started reading a book called, A More Christlike God by Bradley Jersak. After chapter 1, so far so...
We’ve started the harvesting rainwater project! Read more in Jeannie’s October Newsletter
Jim & Kathy Kelly, Carolinita and IrisThe Main Street UMC group from Greenwood SC are here along with 3 "scouts"...
Did you ever write an essay about what you did on vacation? "I went to DisneyWorld/on a cruise/to...
We’ve just celebrated Independence Day here, September 15. Every school child in Honduras participates in the parades. San Lorenzo’s was filmed for TV. The rural parades have a flavor that the city parades can’t match! Read more about it in Jeannie’s latest newsletter!