SAMS-USA Ministry In


Interested in Ministry to Cambodia?

SAMS-USA missionaries partner with Anglican/Episcopal churches in this region to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories and reports from current and former missionaries in the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender to this part of the world.

Are you sensing a call to Cambodia? We'd love to have a conversation with you.

The day the Bishop came to town

Last Sunday the Bishop of Singapore come over to visit what a special day it was. Pirum took a liking to the Bishop. We were privileged to go out for lunch with the Bishop and other clergy. (another post coming with information about these conversations) Photo: Dean Kuan Kim Seng, Summer, Pirum, Bishop Rennis Ponniah […]

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The weeks that were…

Family and Friends. I hope you will forgive me from being absent from the blogisphere for sometime.  but let me fill you in on what has been happening here in The Kingdom of Wonder. (although there have been moments over the last week where I wonder if the slogan actually reflects the country) A couple […]

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Hand Warmers in Cambodia

OK, so on Saturday we ventured out to look at purchasing a second Moto for our household. (We are currently borrowing a friend’s who is at home on holiday.) We entrusted the help of our good friend Sakada to help us look (and not get ripped off). What ended up happening is we found a […]

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Kings Birthday 2013

Yesterday was the Kings Birthday Holiday here in Cambodia. We were invited along to the pool with 2 other missionary families to share in the public holiday. We spent all morning and a good part of the afternoon playing, swimming and laughing with all the kids. Here is 59 seconds of our day mashed into […]

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