The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.John 1:14 In our son’s Sunday School class, they speak of the three great mysteries of the church year:…
SAMS-USA Ministry Focusing on
Gap Year
Interested in Gap Year Ministry?
SAMS-USA missionaries are sent to offer their gifts in this area, partnering with Anglican/Episcopal churches to grow the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged or inspired by these stories from the field. We also encourage you to consider becoming a sender in this ministry area.
You Know My Name
You know my name! More than a month ago, Erika had introduced herself to the elderly man sitting across the table from her. We were at the weekly lunch for the houseless and unemployed that our family and Fellows attend on Tuesday afternoons. “My name is Gus,” the man replied. Erika…

Why The Anchor?
Why the anchor? We chose the anchor as the Agape Year logo for a number of reasons, but the one that is on my mind right now is that the anchor holds us secure, even in the tumult of a storm. I remember sitting down with our graphic designer to brainstorm…
New Wineskins take two!
Three years ago, Erika and I attended the New Wineskins conference as a very newlywed couple…2 months newlywed! We were challenged and encouraged, and as we walked the conference grounds, we wondered how God was going to use us as we desired so strongly to be used, and to serve His kingdom in missions. And … Continue reading New Wineskins take two!
here we go…
we’re thankful to have you on this journey. we hope to use this site to share with you God’s unfolding story in our lives. most recently, we’ve been thrilled to see Him answer our prayer to serve in a missional setting together… enter AGAPE YEAR! here’s a brief description of how we got here and … Continue reading here we go…