The Great Commission Fund
Purpose: When you give to the Great Commission Fund, you are supporting missionaries in their calling, providing training for cross-cultural ministry, and helping them serve with vitality by giving them pastoral support and on-site visits. You also allow new missionaries to experience personal growth through retreats and equip missionaries who are returning from the field with debriefing consultations. when you give, you are helping multiply ministry for the sake of Jesus Christ and the sharing of the Gospel.
Vision: To see the fulfillment of the Great Commission and the sharing the story of transformed lives in Jesus by raising up those who are called to the mission field.
Values: By supporting this fund you are taking part in the command that Jesus gave us to go and make disciples. You can help support the value of challenging young people and career changers to serve in mission and to show a path for those seeking to serve in retirement. SAMS values building relationships with Anglicans around the globe and recognizing the potential for sharing the Gospel across cultures as a global Anglican family. You can take part in connecting the passion of potential missionaries with deep need worldwide.